Cryptocurrency sentiment

Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely in a day and that is why it is important to know the cryptocurrency sentiment.

Sentiment data gives clue about the current public view on a coin. It is different from fundamental analysis and technical analysis as it measures how investors feel about the coin at certain point of time. Sentiment data is backward looking and suggests whether the sentiment was positive or negative in past.

In other words, it can help to determine if investors are optimistic or pessimistic about a coin in near future based on their previous behavior.

To get statistical amounts of data, one needs to determine sentiment of large number of tweets. Best way for that is using machine learning. Otherwise it is too slow.

A nice introduction to sentiment analysis using machine learning is posted here:

Sentiment analysis can be applied in many different fields, e.g. in reviews or in finance market.

Here is an example of crypto sentiment analysis showing bitcoin sentiment through time:

Cryptocurrency mentions

Do you want to know which crypto is most popular right now? Then Crypto Mentions is the data tools for you. There are several websites that collect data regarding the number of mentions of nearly every cryptocurrency on Twitter Reddit and other social media, so that you can easily see which coins are trending.

These platforms collect data on social media mentions of all major cryptocurrencies. Their bots crawl the web and collect millions of public data points, which are then automatically sentiment classified and added to database. Bittsanalytics as one of providers then crunches this vast amount of data to provide you with a mentions analysis of each cryptocurrency over time, in particular how many mentions of crypto coin was there in given hour.

In addition, they also add an extra dimension to our analysis by doing sentiment analysis — we determine the positivity or negativity surrounding each coin on social media at each point in time.

An important part of this is the NLP analysis which shows which words were most frequently mentioned in positive posts and in negative posts about each coin.

The BittsAnalytics platform also provides users with API access to their data:

They offer the following API endpoints: